Ian's line branches off from a common ancestor and it was this line that the Bundocks were boat builders. My Bundock line became potters. There is still much work to be done on this line - mostly with the females. Surnames such as Carter, Salmon, Potter, Thibald, Galliway and Downes have very little information and history.
This picture is from descendants of John Samuel Bundock, Grandpa Henry's brother. It is an example of the pottery that the Sacramento/Bundock Bros. Pottery produced in their business. The writing says a "3/4 gallon Butter Pot" and is inscribed with "J.S. Bundock to C. Bundock".
John Samuel Bundock died in 1900, so I think it's safe to say, if he produced this piece, that this was pre-1900.
Both immigrant Bundock Brothers, Samuel and Henry, died in Sacramento. Samuel in 1882 and Henry in 1894.
When Samuel died, the Sacramento Pottery passed on to his sons, Henry and John Samuel. It later became the Bundock Bros. Pottery, but that did not last long. Disagreements between the brothers and John Samuel's desire to pursue a different career soon resulted in J.S. leaving the business and moving to the Bay Area of San Francisco. It was here that word came from England of an inheritance through the lineage of their mother, Mary Ann Dister, who died in England in 1848, before Samuel immigrated to the U.S. in 1855.
Henry had no interest in laying claim to this inheritance, but J.S. felt it worthwhile and had a solicitor in London pursue the matter.