There are moments in researching your family tree that is so exciting your heart leaps up out of your chest. It could be finding that one birth, death, or marriage record you've been searching for several years. It could be proving or disproving the long told family story. It could be finding out that one ancestor was a wee bit notorious. But nothing is better than to have someone to share in that research, or that discovery, with you.
I have been fortunate to have had that a few times with other family members. This is one of those times.
Okay, granted, Mitch is, technically, my brothers relative. And we do research the Mitchell family for different reasons. His is in the pure sense - it is his family. For me, I have brothers, nieces and nephews, grand-nieces and nephews (and, even, great-grand) who may, one day, want to know more about their family history; and may, one day, find great benefit in what I have for their family tree.
So, whether I am searching my own direct lineage, or that of a branch of that lineage, the excitement is still the same. Having someone to share in that discovery....that truly a wonderful thing.
Corresponding, and working, with Mitch on the Mitchell family has been a great, great blessing. It was his descendant chart that my brother passed on to me that was the foundation of the research in these past years.
From the bottom of my heart to the top of my heart - Thank you Mitch.
Now, I do have an update on the Kruger family. A little mind refresher here - Jennie Agnes, daughter of Bartley Mitchell and Mary Gaffey, married Emil Kruger (also spelled Krueger). Emil had four children from his first marriage to Johanna Sachau. I had all of them accounted for save one - Ella. Well, thanks to Mitch, she is now complete.
Ella married Charles W Britt. They had four children - Mary Regina, Florence, Helen, and Jerry. Ella and Charles, both, passed away in Omaha, Nebraska.
The other child of Emil that was not accounted for was James Carl - one of four children with his second wife, Jennie Agnes Mitchell.
Well, thanks to Mitch - again, James Carl is now accounted for, too. James became a Priest and with that, came a name change. He became Rev. Charles F Kruger - more than likely, probably Father Charles Francis.
Father Charles passed away in 1980 in Colorado.
More photographs graciously shared by Mitch Pratt.
This photo is of an unknown Mitchell at this time, but I love this photo. The young woman is very stylish. I love that hat.
Photo above left: Mary Regina and Florence Britt (daughters of Ella and Charles Britt) with their cousin, Leah Holland (daughter of Frank Holland and Agnes Mitchell)
Photo above right: left to right - unknown, Leah Holland and her sister, Maxine; and Frances Hickey (daughter of Michael Hickey and Katherine Mitchell)
Jennie Agnes Mitchell Kruger with her grand daughter, Mary Regina
Claude Paine, William Baumer, Frank Holland, and Michael John Hickey.
Above and Right:
The Baumers, Hickeys, and Krugers.
John Hickey, Father Charles, Jennie Kruger, Merle Hickey, Kate Hickey, Emma Mitchell, Melvin Hickey, Unknown, John Hickey, Unknown, Bart Kruger, Agnes Holland. The children in the front maybe the Britt and Holland Children.
Kate Hickey, Jennie Kruger, Agnes Holland, Emma Mitchell
John Hickey, Merle Hickey, Fr. Charles,
Bart Kruger, Melvin Hickey
From Fr. Charles Ordination
Above left is Fr Charles and Fr Bray. Above Right is a postcard sent from Fr Charles while in Belize. He labeled it, from left - Gym, Chapel, Main building.
Jennie Kruger, Agnes Holland, and Cathryne Mitchell Werner